Winchester Wedding Photography - The Castle and the Corner House with Jai & Simon

October 03, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

There's no denying that Winchester is a wonderful place to get married - it's an absolutely beautiful city with something for everyone. And when you've a couple as beautiful and loved-up as Jai & Simon at your disposal, and they're up for taking a good amount of time wandering around the gorgeous town centre in their wedding gear to capture photos in all sorts of places (sometimes the classic 'big ticket' locations, and sometimes those just a little bit different) you know you're in for a great day!

Bride and groom on the steps outside the law courts, next to the Great HallWinchester town centre wedding photographyCouple on Law Courts steps With Winchester as my home town, I'm pretty confident that over the years I've photographed weddings at pretty much every venue going. And then Jai & Simon manage to present me with not one, but two which I haven't shot at before. The first - the Basing Room at the County Council's Castle complex at the top end of town - is an easy one to understand, as it has only just become available for use by the registry service as a wedding ceremony venue. And I have to say that it's a lovely spot - the room is gorgeous and interesting, the building itself is fantastic, it's perfectly located (just up by the Great Hall and walking distance from everywhere) - and I can see it becoming a very popular choice indeed for smaller and more intimate civil ceremonies.

The other spot I hadn't photographed at before was the Corner House, down on North Walls. I've certainly eaten plenty of pork belly there in the past, and now I can tick it off the list as another Winchester wedding reception venue covered. I like it - lots of colour and quirk; a great party place if you're after a more relaxed and informal celebration. But anyway, that's enough waffle from me for the moment - on with the photos from Jai & Simon's beautiful, intimate ceremony and celebration in the heart of this fantastic city...

Candid moment of bride checking the flowers during the bridal preparationWinchester wedding photography 1Bride with flowers The father of the bride seeks a little assistance with his button-holeWinchester wedding photography 2Father of the bride Grandmother and granddaughter share a few moments during the bridal preparationsWinchester wedding photography 3Flower girl A beautiful summery bouquet of pink rosesWinchester wedding photography 4Bouquet A fun moment as the bride's daughter explores the world underneath ner mum's veilWinchester wedding photography 5Bride and daughter Finishing touches applied to the flower girl's outfitWinchester wedding photography 6Getting ready Portrait of the bride (centre) and with family at the end of the bridal prepWinchester Wedding Photography 7Bride with family The bride about to leave her house for the ceremonyWinchester wedding photography 8Bridal portrait

The Basing Room is an extremely pleasant room in one of Hampshire County Council's administrative buildings up in what's known as the Castle Complex. If you're from Winchester it may well be one of those buildings which you instantly recognise, although you might not necessarily know what it is. It's one of the two beautiful stone buildings which stand either side of the cobbled roadway which stretches up to the Great Hall, and it's served in various guises in the past; hosting Council chamber meetings, receptions and functions... How do I know all this? Well funnily enough, in a previous incarnation I worked for the County Council and have been in there plenty of times before when we used it as a boardroom for meetings. I must admit, I prefer seeing it like this! A really lovely room with wood panelling, deep rich wallpaper and a beautiful stone fireplace in the corner - just recently opened as a ceremony room it's a wonderful addition to the Registry Service's options and if you're considering an intimate wedding at the Registry Office down the road, I would highly recommend checking it out.

Simon was there, ready and waiting, with his father by his side as best man - a very nice touch. This was a very small and intimate ceremony - essentially close family - and I'm always conscious on occasions like this that I want to be as discreet as I can. The ceremony itself was absolutely charming - full of smiles, a few (happy) tears and plenty of laughs. Perfect. I really do enjoy my job - what a pleasure to be able to see so many happy couples making such a great commitment to each other and knowing that I'm capturing moments which will stay with them forever.

An exterior shot of the building which contains the Basing Room, now available for weddings. Situated at the top of the High Street as one of the County Council's administrative buildings, the Great Hall was directly behind me as I took the photo.Winchester Wedding Photography 9Castle Hill, venue exterior Bride with daughter and groom's son on the steps outside the ceremony venueWinchester wedding photography 10Outside the venue Finishing touches to the groom's tie before the bride arrivesWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 11Groom and best man Family waiting in and around the ceremony room before the start of the weddingWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 12Guests before the ceremony Best man offers a hand of support as the groom waits for the bride to make her entranceWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 13Groom waiting The bride arrives at the start of the wedding cereomonyWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 14Bridal entrance The groom and the father of the bride share a hugWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 15The start of the wedding The bride looks at her groom at the start of the marriage ceremonyWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 16Bride and groom The groom wipes away a tear during the ceremony as he listens to a readingWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 17The readings The groom places the wedding ring on the bride's fingerWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 18Exchange of rings The groom's son gets caught up in the excitement of the occasionsWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 19Ceremony candid The father of the bride watches on as the bride and groom share a small intimate moment during the ceremonyWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 20Intimate moment Bride and groom kiss after being announced as husband and wifeWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 21Just married The bride and groom sign the register at a curved table in a corner of the ceremony roomWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 22Signing of the register Colour images of bride and groom together during wedding ceremonyWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 23Wedding ceremony Bride and groom are congratulated by guests as they leave the ceremony roomWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 24Walking down the aisle Bride and groom exit the ceremony room Winchester wedding photography Basing Room 25Leaving the ceremony Black and white image of the bride and groom in the corridor outside the Basing RoomWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 26Leaving together Guests throw confetti on the steps outside the main building near the Great HallWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 27Confetti A small selection of formal and group photos taken after the wedding ceremonyWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 28Family photos One of things that I absolutely loved about Jai & Simon's wedding was that they were really up for putting aside a good amount of time for a tour of Winchester for time-out photos with just the two of them. There are so many brilliant spots and beautiful features to take advantage of, and while quite often couples want to find somewhere tucked away and discreet for this part of the day, on this occasion they were perfectly happy to wander right through the town, starting up at the top by the Great Hall and the Law Courts, and then winding our way down the high street and around the back of the Cathedral. It took a little while longer than a normal stroll along the same route might take with members of the public stopping to congratulate them and offer kind words, and the occasional toot of a car horn - possibly not an option for couples who don't like being the centre of attention - but time was happily on our side and they took it totally in their stride. And it meant that I was able to finally capture a few slightly different and alternative Winchester wedding photos which I had had in my mind for quite a while. As we wrapped things up and started to head to the Corner House for the reception the temperate dropped and a few little spots of rain started to come down. Simon, being the gentleman that he is, whipped off his jacket and offered it to his wife, which made for a couple of really cute shots at the end of the session.

By the staircase in the main ceremony venue at Castle HillWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 29Couple portraits on stairs Black and white photos of bride and groom in an arched tunnel by the Westgate at the top end of WinchesterWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 30Bride and groom at the Westgate Black and white photo of couple on the steps between the Law Courts and the Great Hall in WinchesterWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 31Bride and groom on Law Court Steps Colour photo of bride and groom descending the steps outside the law courtsWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 32Leading lines on Law Court steps Couple walk hand in hand along a side street near the Cathedral and the Old Vine pubWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 33Couple walking Couple pose outside and old house in the centre of Winchester and walk hand in hand towards the CathedralWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 34Couple portraits in Winchester Bride and groom sat on a stone bench in the Cathedral groundsWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 35Groom on bench The cloisters are a classic Winchester wedding photo, running down the south side of the CathedralWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 36Couple in Winchester Cathedral cloisters Couple backlit in an archway on the south side of the Cathedral, near the Dean Garnier GardenWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 37Couple archway silhouette A beautiful little water garden hidden to the south side of the Cathedral, near Winchester guildhallWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 38Couple by water garden Soft focus photographs in Abbey gardens, next to Winchester GuildhallWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 39Couple and flowers in Abbey Gardens Couple walk hand in hand along Winchester High StreetWinchester wedding photography Basing Room 40Couple on Winchester High Street And so on to the Corner House, at the far end of Parchment Street. Their faqmily had already arrived, and were joined by further friends as the evening progressed. Lots of hugs, laughter and smiles, delicious-looking canapes, the speeches and the cutting of the cake, before i finally put down my camera as the evening party got into full swing. This was a seriously wonderful wedding, and it was a huge pleasure to be there and photograph it for such a lovely couple, who couldn't have looked more in love if they tried!

Bride and groom outside the Corner House restaurant, scene of the wedding receptionWinchester wedding photography Corner House 41Corner House exterior Candid moment and detail shots inside the Corner House RestaurantWinchester wedding photography Corner House 42Venue interior The bride and her daughter enjoy a moment together at the wedding receptionWinchester wedding photography Corner House 43Bride and daughter Room set up for wedding reception at Winchester Corner HouseWinchester wedding photography Corner House 44Interior details Children occupying themselves with a game during the wedding reception, photo taken using remotely triggered flashWinchester wedding photography Corner House 45Boys playing at wedding reception Black and white photo of bride's father in conversation with wedding guests at the barWinchester wedding photography Corner House 46Father of the bride and friends Black and white photos of children at wedding reception at Winchester Corner HouseWinchester wedding photography Corner House 47Children at wedding reception Black and white documentary photography at Corner House wedding receptionWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 48Candid moments at reception Detail photographs at Corner House Winchester wedding receptionWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 50Cards and cakes Guests in conversation at the bar in the Corner house WinchesterWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 51At the bar Children pose for a relaxed portrait at wedding reception at Winchester Corner HouseWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 52Children at wedding reception Bride's brother and wife alone at wedding reception at Corner House in WinchesterWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 53Candid moment with brother of the bride Guests enjoy canapes at Winchester wedding reception at Corner House restaurantWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 54Reception drinks and canapes Guests relaxing and meeting friends at reception venueWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 56Guests chatting Groom and guest take a selfie with a polaroid camera at wedding receptionWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 55Groom selfie Father of the groom gives the opening speech at Corner House Winchester wedding receptionWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 57Speeches Bride and groom watch on as the father of the bride gives his wedding speech at Winchester Corner House receptionWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 58Father of the bride speech Bride, groom and guests laugh during wedding speechesWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 59Guest reactions Bride watches on as the groom gives his wedding speechWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 60Bride and groom speech Traditional cutting of the the cake as part of the wedding celebrations at the Corner House in WinchesterWinchester Wedding photography Corner House 61Cutting the cake Many congratulations Jai and Simon on an absolutely wonderful wedding, filled with laughter and emotion. Wishing you many happy years together!

Black and white photo of bride and groom walking hand in hand towards Winchester CathedralWinchester wedding photographyBride and groom by Cathedral

If you are planning your Winchester wedding and would like to know more about my wedding photography services, packages and prices, please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your plans and to ask any questions you might have - I'm always happy to help however I can.


Hope you enjoyed the photos, and as ever, thanks for reading.




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